Berberine: Uses & Benefits

Berberine is a bioactive compound that can be extracted from several different plants, including a group of shrubs called Berberis.
Technically, it belongs to a class of compounds called alkaloids. It has a yellow color, and has often been used as a dye.
Berberine is one of the most effective natural supplements available. It has very impressive health benefits, and affects your body at the molecular level. Berberine has been shown to lower blood sugar, cause weight loss and improve heart health, to name a few. It is one of the few supplements shown to be as effective as a pharmaceutical drug.

Natural Sources of Berberine

As mentioned above, berberine is a naturally occurring compound found in several medicinal plants and herbs. It’s usually extracted from the roots, barks, leaves and rhizomes of any of the following plants:

  • Goldenseal
  • Oregon grape
  • European barberry
  • Chinese goldthread
  • Phellodendron (also known as cork tree)
  • Tree turmeric
  • Tinospora cordifolia (also known as Guduchi)
  • Prickly poppy
  • Californian poppy
  • Yerba mansa
Berberine is effective for
  • Berberine seems to slightly reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Also, some early research suggests that taking 500 mg of berberine 2-3 times daily for up to 3 months might control blood sugar as effectively as metformin or rosiglitazone.
  • High cholesterol. There is early evidence that berberine can help lower cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol. Taking 500 mg of berberine twice daily for 3 months seems to reduce total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in people with high cholesterol.
What else is Berberine good for?
  • Depression, perhaps due to increases in noradrenaline and serotonin
  • Cancer: Berberine may help suppress tumor growth and spread
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Infections, including anti-viral effects against the flu
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), as it helps reduce fat build up in your liver
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Ghritkumari (Aloe Vera): Uses & Benefits

Aloe Vera plant has been used for thousands of years. It has remained quite popular in traditional Indonesian and Chinese medicine and even in Western medicine. Its use in cosmetics and other products started way back in the 1970s. The gel from the plant can treat inflammation and correct skin disorders

What Is Aloe Vera And How Does It Work?

Aloe Vera is as a short-stemmed shrub that is often called a wonder plant. the genus contains over 500 species.

Aloe vera is the scientific name (aloe is the name of the genus and vera is the name of the species). It is widely used today in foods, cosmetics, herbal remedies, and food supplements.

The most prominent use of aloe vera is in treating skin conditions and wounds. The oral intake of the plant (its gel or latex) can promote digestive health and greatly aid the treatment of diabetes and infectious diseases.

The plant contains over 75 powerful constituents – these include vitamins, minerals, enzymes, saponins, salicylic and amino acids, and sugars.

Aloe vera is one of the very few nutritionally replete plants in the world. What it can do for you is as incredible as its nutritional profile.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is one of the few nutritionally densest natural foods available. It is replete with important vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. These fight inflammation, strengthen immunity, and treat chronic ailments like diabetes. Aloe vera also has excellent applications in enhancing your skin health. Here are some benefits of aloe vera:

  • Fights Inflammation
  • Promotes Digestive Health
  • May Strengthen Immunity
  • Treats Diabetes
  • Can Aid Weight Loss
  • May Treat Interstitial Cystitis
  • Promotes Oral Health
  • Might Prevent Some Forms Of Cancer
  • Helps Treat Acne
  • Can Fight Signs Of Premature Aging
  • Moisturizes Skin
  • Promotes Wound Healing
  • May Improve Hair Health
What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera contains over 75 active nutrients. These include the following:

  • Vitamins, including A, B12, C, E, folic acid, and choline.
  • Minerals, including calcium, copper, chromium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, potassium, zinc, sodium.
  • Enzymes, including aliiase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, catalase, cellulase, lipase, bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, and peroxidase.
  • Sugars, including monosaccharides and polysaccharides.

It also contains anthraquinones, fatty acids, hormones, and amino acids (20 of the 22 human required amino acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids).

The nutrition profile should be reason enough for us to start including aloe vera in our diets. But how?

How To Include Aloe Vera In Your Diet?

Aloe vera is a fun and easy addition to a host of food preparations. Here are a few pointers that can help:

  • You can eat aloe leaves as a snack between meals.
  • You can also drink the aloe gel.
  • Add the gel to your evening smoothie.
  • Add aloe vera gel cubes to other ingredients like tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice, sea salt, and garlic in a blender. Blend well, and your salsa is ready, which you can serve with tacos or chips
  • Adding aloe vera leaves to a salad works wonders too (you can also add the gel).

You may also relish aloe juice. You need an aloe vera leaf and a cup of any desired fruit juice. Slit one edge of the leaf and scoop out the gel (you may store this gel in a jar and refrigerate it for future use). Add two tablespoons of this gel to the fruit juice and blend and serve.

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Adhatoda Vasica (Vasaka): Uses & Benefits

Adhatoda Vasica nut is an important Ayurvedic medicinal herb. The entire parts of the plant from root to leaves are used to treat many ailments. It is the leaves, which are of great importance. The plant is effective in treating of asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other disorders. Justicia adhatoda is used as medicine in Ayurveda, Siddha, Homeopathy, Unani and other ancient system of medicine. This product is endorsed by many doctors worldwide. It is used as expectorant, antispasmodic, anthelmintic, antiseptic and bronchodilator.

What is Adhatoda Vasica?

Adhatoda Vasica is a very important medicinal herb where leaf, root, flower and whole plant is used for many drug formulations. adhatoda vasica is a tall, much-branched, dense, evergreen shrub, with large, lance-shaped leaves. flowers in dense, short spikes; stalks of the spikes shorter than leaves. leaf-like structures called bracts, present on the spikes; these are conspicuously veined. the plant is native of indonesia, occurs throughout the plains and in the lower regions of himalaya. it is used for many medicinal uses as well as health benefits.

Medicinal uses of Adhatoda Vasica

The drug Adhatoda Vasica comprises the fresh or dried leaves of the plant. Leaves contain an alkaloid vasicine, and an essential oil. The chief use of Adhatoda Vasica is as an expectorant; it is given in the form of juice, syrup or decoction. It softens the thick sputum, facilitates its coming out and thus brings about quick relief in bronchitis. The expectorant activity is due to stimulation of bronchial glands.

Chemical composition of Adhatoda Vasica

The leaves of Adhatoda Vasica contain phytochemicals such as alkaloids, tannins, saponins, phenolics and flavonoids. Leaves contain vasicine, a quinazoline alkaloid and an essential oil. It also have other chemicals such as Luteolin, Tritriacontane, B- Sitosterol, Kaempferol, 3- Sophoroside, Adhatodic acid, q- Hydroxyvasicinine, Vit –C, vasicol. Vasicinol, Vaicinolone, Adhatodine, Adhavasinone, Anisotine, Carotene, Vasakin, Vasicinone, Vascicolone, Vasicolinone and many more.

Health benefits of Adhatoda Vasica
  • Adhatoda Vasica for respiratory problems: It is an effective herb in the management of respiratory congestions like cough, bronchitis, asthma, etc. The medicinal herb expands the airways and provides great relief to the bronchitis patients. It is a well-known ayurvedic medicine for expectorant and helps to ease out the phlegm.
  • Ayurvedic Adhatoda Vasica for tuberculosis: Adhatoda Vasica is known for anti-microbial properties thereby helpful in fighting of tuberculosis. Along with treating tuberculosis, it shows positive impacts for cough and bronchitis.
  • Adhatoda Vasica for arthritis: Adhatoda Vasica has anti-inflammatory properties. It is good for joint pain and helps to subsidize arthritis swelling
  • Adhatoda Vasica to purify blood: The Ayurvedic herb Malabar nut is good for purifying of blood. It increases the blood count and also ensures lowering of blood pressure. If you want to purify your blood, it’s the good bet. It is good for the health of heart acts like as a cardiac tonic.
  • Adhatoda Vasica for doshas balancing: It balances pitta and Kapha doshas. It helps to balance Pitta and good for the health of liver and gall bladder.
  • Adhatoda Vasica for voice: It helps in clarity of voice.
  • Adhatoda Vasica for fever: It is beneficial in case of thirst, fever, vomiting, sugar, bleeding disorders and leprosy.
  • Adhatoda Vasica for dyspnea: It cures dyspnea by improving the lung function and its efficiency.
  • One should take precaution while eating Adhatoda Vasica.
  • Its medicinal formulations should be taken only after consultation of physician.
  • Its over dosage may lead to many ill effects.
  • Expecting mother shouldn’t take Adhatoda Vasica as it heavily impacts the uterus.
  • It lowers the blood sugar level; therefore diabetic patients should care of it.
  • Children shouldn’t use it.
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Fenugreek (Methi): Uses & Benefits

The health benefits of fenugreek include relief from anemia, loss of taste, fever, dandruff, stomach disorders, biliousness, respiratory disorders, mouth ulcers, sore throat, diabetes, inflammations, wounds, and insomnia. It is beneficial in lactation and helps in improving digestion and hair health. It is also shown to reduce cholesterol levels and protect heart health, while simultaneously boosting the immune system and protecting against flu and various infections.

What is Fenugreek?

Fenugreek is an annual plant that is also known as methi in many places in the world. It is a member of the bean family and its scientific family name is Fabaceae. It is native to the Middle and Near East and is widely used in the Indonesia subcontinent. It has small round leaves. There is even evidence that the ancient Egyptians understood the benefits of this herb since its seeds have been found in tombs, particularly of Tutankhamen. This plant is grown in countries across the globe, but the majority is cultivated and consumed in Indonesia.

Health Benefits of Fenugreek
    • Fenugreek is used for herbal healing and has many important health benefits that are listed below:
  • Promotes Lactation
  • Reduces Menstrual Discomfort
  • Lowers Cholesterol Levels
  • Prevents Colon Cancer
  • Suppresses Appetite
  • Reduces Cardiovascular Risks
  • Controls Diabetes
  • Kidney Problems
  • Relieves Sore Throat
  • Soothes Irritation
Other Benefits
    • Other benefits of fenugreek include the following:
  • Treats wounds, inflammation, and gastrointestinal ailments.
  • Helps in battling free radicals due to its antioxidant property.
  • According to Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, it can be used for inducing labor and aiding digestion.
  • Helps improve the body’s overall metabolism and health.
  • External application of fenugreek gives relief from irritated skin and other conditions.
  • Acts as a febrifuge and gives relief from muscle aches.
    • You can use and consume fenugreek in many ways that include:
  • The leaves can be dried and used as herbs.
  • Fenugreek seeds can be eaten whole and are often used as toppings for certain dishes or soups.
  • The seeds are primarily used as a spice and can be found sprinkled on top of many Asian dishes.
  • These seeds can also be used in powdered form as a flavoring agent in curry pastes, soups, and stews.
  • The plant matter itself can be used as a vegetable, like sprouts and microgreens.
  • Fenugreek powder can also be used to make a healthy, energizing tea.
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Health benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema Sylvestre is a woody climbing shrub that’s native to the tropical forests of Indonesia, India, Africa and Australia. Its leaves have been used in the ancient Indonesia medicinal practice Ayurveda for thousands of years. It has been a traditional remedy for various ailments, including diabetes, malaria and snakebites.
This herb is thought to inhibit sugar absorption and thus has become a popular study subject in Western medicine.

Health benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre.
    • Reduces Sugar Cravings by Making Sweet Foods Taste Less Appealing.

Gymnemic acids in Gymnema Sylvestre can block the sugar receptors on your tongue, decreasing your ability to taste sweetness. This can lead to reduced sugar cravings.

    • Helps Lower Blood Sugar Levels.

Gymnema Sylvestre has anti-diabetic properties and may lower your blood sugar levels after a meal.

    • May Contribute to Favorable Insulin Levels by Increasing Insulin Production.

Gymnema Sylvestre appears to contribute to favorable insulin levels by increasing insulin production and regenerating insulin-secreting islet cells. Both can help lower blood sugar levels.

    • Improves Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels, Reducing Heart Disease Risk.

Research supports that Gymnema can play a role in lowering “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease.

    • May Aid Weight Loss.

Gymnema Sylvestre may play a role in weight loss and prevent weight gain. It may promote reduced calorie intake. Gymnema Sylvestre may play a role in weight loss and prevent weight gain. It may promote reduced calorie intake.

    • Helps Reduce Inflammation Due to Its Tannin and Saponin Content.

The tannins and saponins in Gymnema have anti-inflammatory properties that help fight inflammation.

Safety Information

Gymnema Sylvestre is considered safe for most people, but it should not be taken by children or women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to get pregnant.
Moreover, though it appears to improve blood sugar and insulin levels, it’s not a substitute for diabetes medication. Only take Gymnema with other blood-sugar-lowering medications under your doctor’s supervision.

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Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Mulethi): Uses & Side Effects

Glycyrrhiza glabra (family Fabaceae), commonly known as licorice, is an herbaceous perennial and has been used as a flavoring agent in foods and medicinal remedies for thousands of years. Licorice root has been widely used around the world to treat cough since ancient times. It contains active compounds, including glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhetinic acid, flavonoids, isoflavonoids, and chalcones. Glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid are considered to be the main active components and are potent inhibitors of cortisol metabolism, due to their steroid-like structures. The root of this plant has been used for cough, colds, asthma, and COPD


Itchy and inflamed skin (eczema). There is some evidence that applying licorice to the skin can improve symptoms of eczema. Applying a gel containing licorice three times daily for 2 weeks seems to reduce redness, swelling, and itching.

Heartburn (dyspepsia) Research suggests that taking two specific combination products containing licorice root (Iberogast, Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH; STW-5-S, Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH) seems to improve symptoms of heartburn.

Recovery after surgery Research suggests that sucking on a single lozenge containing licorice beginning 30 minutes before having a tube inserted through the mouth into the trachea reduces cough following surgery by about 50%. Also, gargling with a licorice fluid before intubation reduces complications when the breathing tube is removed.

Side Effects & Safety

Licorice is LIKELY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth in amounts found in foods. Licorice is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth in larger amounts for medicinal purposes and when applied to the skin for a short amount of time. However, it is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in large amounts for more than 4 weeks or in smaller amounts long-term. Consuming licorice daily for several weeks or longer can cause severe side effects including high blood pressure, low potassium levels, weakness, paralysis, and occasionally brain damage in otherwise healthy people. In people who eat a lot of salt or have heart disease, kidney disease, or high blood pressure, as little as 5 grams per day can cause these problems.

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Garcinia Cambogia: Weight Loss Supplement

It is derived from a fruit of the same name, also called Garcinia gummi-gutta or Malabar tamarind.
The peel of the fruit contains high amounts of hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is the active ingredient believed to be responsible for most of its weight loss benefits.

What Is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia cambogia is a small, pumpkin-shaped, yellow or greenish fruit. The fruit is so sour that it is generally not eaten fresh but rather used in cooking. Garcinia cambogia supplements are made from extracts of the fruit’s peel. The peel of the fruit contains high amounts of hydroxycitric acid (HCA), an active substance that has been shown to have some weight loss properties.

Can Cause Modest Weight Loss

Many high-quality human studies have tested the weight loss effects of garcinia cambogia. What’s more, most of them indicate that the supplement can cause a small amount of weight loss.
On average, garcinia cambogia has been shown to cause weight loss of about 2 pounds (0.88 kg) more than a placebo, over a period of 2–12 weeks.

How Does It Aid Weight Loss?

There are two main ways that garcinia cambogia is thought to aid weight loss.
1. May Reduce Your Appetite
2. May Block Fat Production and Reduce Belly Fat
Garcinia cambogia may suppress appetite. It also blocks the production of new fats in your body and has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and blood triglycerides in overweight people.

Other Health Benefits

Animal and test-tube studies suggest that garcinia cambogia may also have some anti-diabetes effects, including:

  • Decreasing insulin levels
  • Decreasing leptin levels
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Improving blood sugar control
  • Increasing insulin sensitivity

Additionally, garcinia cambogia could boost your digestive system. Animal studies suggest that it helps protect against stomach ulcers and reduce damage to the inner lining of your digestive tract.
However, these effects need to be studied further before firm conclusions can be drawn.

Side effects

Some people experience digestive symptoms, headaches and skin rashes when taking garcinia cambogia. Animal studies suggest that a very high intake may cause toxicity

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Camellia Sinensis (Tea Plant)

Almost every tea enjoyed comes from a specific species of plant known as the camellia sinensis. There are two varieties of this plant that each yield different types of teas, with specific characteristics that define each one. Black tea, called “red tea” in China, is the strongest-tasting variety due to its oxidation time in processing. Oolong tea, known for its flowery notes similar to green tea, is less oxidized. And green tea, the mildest variety, does not undergo oxidation at all and is pan-fried in processing to prevent oxidation from occurring.

Camellia Sinensis ‘s Origins

Camellia sinensis (or tea plant) is used to make most traditional caffeinated teas, including black tea, white tea, oolong tea, and green tea. This plant originated near the southwest region of China as an evergreen forest shrub. The leaves are glossy green with serrated edges and are similar in both shape and size to a bay leaf.
Tea plant was first stumbled upon by accident—as the story goes—in 2737 B.C.E. The emperor at the time was boiling water in his garden when a leaf from the overhanging camellia sinensis tree drifted into his pot. The combination yielded a drink that compelled him to research the tree further, uncovering both medicinal and palatable properties.

Varieties of Camellia Sinensis

Two varieties of the tea plant make up some of the most popular types of tea. Camellia sinensis sinensis (Chinese tea) is native to China and thrives in cool temperatures and high elevations. It is commonly grown on mountain slopes, producing a sweeter, gentler taste indicative to both green tea and white tea. Camellia sinensis assamica (Assam tea or Indian tea), on the other hand, thrives in the Assam region of Northern India. This plant is considered more tropical than its Chinese variety, growing larger and producing bigger leaves (due to a climate with plenty of rain and warm temperatures). This variety is used for robust teas like black tea, oolong, and pu-erh.

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Senna: Uses & Side Effects

Senna is an herb. The leaves and the fruit of the plant are used to make medicine.
Senna is an FDA-approved over-the-counter (OTC) laxative. A prescription is not required to purchase senna. It is used to treat constipation and also to clear the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy.
Senna is also used for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), anal or rectal surgery, tears in the lining of the anus (anal fissures), hemorrhoids, and weight loss.

Effective for

Constipation. Taking senna by mouth is effective for short-term treatment of constipation. Senna is an fda-approved nonprescription drug for adults and children ages 2 years and older. however, in children ages 3-15 years, mineral oil and a medication called lactulose might be more effective than taking senna. senna also appears to be effective for treating constipation when used in combination with psyllium or docusate sodium. in elderly people, senna plus psyllium is more effective than lactulose for treating ongoing constipation. senna plus docusate sodium is effective for treating constipation in the elderly and in people who have undergone anorectal surgery. taking senna appears to be as effective as lactulose, psyllium, and docusate for relieving constipation in people taking opioids or loperamide.

Bowel preparation before colonoscopy. Taking senna by mouth is as effective as castor oil and bisacodyl for bowel preparation. Some evidence suggests that senna is also at least as effective as polyethylene glycol for bowel preparation. However, conflicting evidence exists. It is unclear if taking senna with polyethylene glycol is more effective than taking polyethylene glycol alone. Senna appears to be less effective than sodium phosphate for bowel cleansing. However, taking a combination of senna, sodium picosulfate, and polyethylene glycol appears to be more effective than sodium phosphate for bowel preparation prior to colonoscopy.

Special Precautions & Warnings
  • Electrolyte disturbances, potassium deficiency: Overuse of senna can make these conditions worse.
  • Dehydration, diarrhea or loose stools: Senna should not be used in people with dehydration, diarrhea, or loose stools. It can make these conditions worse.
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) conditions: Senna should not be used by people with abdominal pain (either diagnosed or undiagnosed), intestinal blockage, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, appendicitis, stomach inflammation, anal prolapse, or hemorrhoids.
  • Heart disease: Senna can cause electrolyte disturbances and might make heart disease worse.
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Jati Herbal Signs Cooperation Agreement with the Malaysian Government

On 11th May 2017, Jati Herbal as a natural extract producer of rising international prominence signed a cooperation agreement with Malaysia’s Ministry of Science, Research and Innovation and state owned enterprise, BiotechCorp Malaysia. The pact proposes a sustainable partnership in the exploration and production of herbal extracts from Malaysia’s own rich diversity of medicinal plants, specifically for Eurycoma longifolia; a plant predominantly found in Malaysia commonly referred to as Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi. Jati Herbal occupies a key role in the cooperation for its unmatched expertise in the region as well as for its cutting-edge production facilities.

Speaking at the signing event held at Jati Herbal’s factory in Karanganyar (Central Java), CEO of Jati Herbal, Mr Junius Rahardjo, expressed his elation over the prospects of the agreement as he received the visit of Malaysian Minister of Science, Research and Innovation, Dato’ Dr Ewon Ebin, and CEO of BiotechCorp, Dato’ Dr Mohd Nazlee Kamal. Mr Rahardjo views the cooperation as a highly strategic one, referring to advantages for his company’s growing presence in international markets and the rapid rise of overseas consumers. Dato’ Dr Ebin was equally optimistic as he commended Javaplant for having the technological capacity that can help support the development of Malaysian herbal products. Meanwhile, Regent of Karanganyar, Mr Juliyatmono, who also attended the event, voiced his hope that the partnership will generate positive technological and economic benefits.

With the cooperation, Malaysia seeks to develop its bio-based industries in keeping with the goal of becoming an advanced economy by 2020. As such, a variety of long-term-oriented ideas were mentioned, including possibilities of setting up a joint venture between Jati Herbal and BiotechCorp, establishing a factory in Malaysia, as well as carrying out a joint production of medicinal herbal extract materials to be used to supply various industries further downstream, such as pharmaceuticals and the food industry. In that regard, Jati Herbal has been deemed as the most suitable partner offering a fast track to the objective.

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